Organizing Committee
General Chairs
Vincent OriaNew Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, USA
Vanathi Gopalakrishnan
University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Sudarsan Padhy
Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, India
Program Chairs
Madhavi K. GanapathirajuUniversity of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Ernesto Damiani
Universitadegli Studi di Milano, Italy
Bhabani Sankara Panda
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
Publication Chairs
Niranjan RaySilicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, India
Senjuti Basu Roy
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, USA
Finance Chairs
Ajit Kumar BeheraOITS, Bhubaneswar, India
Satyananda Champati Rai
Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, India
Web Chair
Mike BorowczakErebus Labs & Consulting, USA
Umasankar Das
Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, India
Publicity Chairs
Bijan Bihari MisraSilicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, India
Souvik Ray
Share This Inc., USA
Kokou Yetongnon
University of Burgundy, France
Local Arrangement Chairs
Rudra Mohan TripathySilicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, India
Dipak Kumar Misra
Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar, India
Registration Chairs:
Debabrata KarSilicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, India
Ch. Sanjeev Kumar Dash
Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, India
Student Research Forum Chairs
Pradyumna Kumar TripathySilicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, India
Manoranjan Satpathy
Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, India
Tutorial Chairs
Satchidananda DehuriFakir Mohan University, Balasore, India
Ganesh Mani
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburge, USA
IEEE Liaison Chair
Chandan Kumar SarkarJadavpur University, Kolkata, India
Steering Committee
Dipak MisraXavier University, Bhubaneswar, India
Saraju P. Mohanty
University of North Texas, USA
Durgamadhab Misra
New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Gautam Das
University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Madhavi K. Ganapathiraju
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Niranjan Ray
Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, India
Siba Prasad Misra
OITS, Bhubaneswar, India
Sudarsan Padhy
Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, India
International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT) is a premier international forum for high quality research in the areas of Information Technology. ICIT 2017 is being jointly organized by the Orissa Information Technology Society ( and Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, India ( Researchers, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry are invited to present their research findings on various topics of IT and its applications.
All accepted papers that are presented at ICIT will be indexed and included in IEEE Xplore IEEE conference details can be found here:IEEE Conf ID 41292
ICIT 2017 encourages submissions in all the areas of information technology. However, the papers in the following 5 tracks will be primary focus of ICIT 2017:
Data Science (DSC)
Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Soft Computing, Neural Networks, Pattern Recognition, Artificial Intelligence. Mining Spatial and Temporal Data, Metadata and Meta Modeling especially focused in the domains of Social Networks, Social Media including blogs and Online Collaborative Environments. Text Mining, Information Retrieval, Sentiment Analysis, Collaborative Filtering and Ontology, Visual Data Mining, Privacy Sensitive Data Mining, and Graph Data mining. Big Data Analytics, Computational Finance, Information Science including Multi-Agent Systems and Intelligent Systems, High Performance Computing, Biomedical Informatics and application of Crowd Sourcing.
Networking and Information Security (NIS)
Multimedia Communications Networks, Wireless Ad hoc/ Sensor/IoT Networks, Mobile and Personal Area Networks. Information Technology Networks, Vehicular ad-hoc network, Body Area Networks, Optical Fiber Network, SDN, Peer-to-peer, overlay, Content Distribution Networks, Cognitive Radio Networks and DNA Inter Networks. Information Security, Content Protection, and Digital Rights Management. Watermarking, Steganography, Cryptography, Biometrics, Digital Libraries, Network Security, Computer Security, Cyber Security.
Sequential, Parallel, Distributed and Cloud Computing (PDC)
Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Load balancing and Partitioning. Multi-cores, Memory Hierarchy, Multiprocessor Synchronization and Debugging, Concurrent Programming, OS Virtualization, Modeling and Simulation, Load Balancing and Partitioning, Compiler Techniques. Cloud Computing, PaaS, SaaS, AaaS, IaaS, EaaS Modeling, Performance Analysis and Security Provisioning in Cloud Computing.
Multimedia, Signal Processing, Embedded Systems (MSE)
Ontology and Reasoning, Applications of Semantic Web and Linked Data, Semantic Web Architecture, Social Semantic Web. IP Core Design, Multi Media Audio and Video Streaming, Algorithms for IP Core Protection, Algorithms for Security Aware Behavioral Synthesis, Fault Aware Computing, CAD Algorithms for Smart Devices, Algorithms for Biometric Security.
Power, Smart Grid and Internet of Things (PSI)
Power systems, Smart grid, Smart Grid Applications, Grid Computing, Internet of Things, low power/energy-aware computing, IT Intervention in Power Distribution System Management, Power System Security Management through Advanced Information Technology Application, Computer-Aided Design (CAD) for Behavioral/High-Level Synthesis and Optimization, High-level synthesis algorithms and methodology.
Manuscripts offering high quality original and unpublished research, case studies and implementations are solicited. The manuscripts need to be formatted as IEEE double column conference format. The maximum length of the manuscript needs to be of 6-pages. All submitted papers will undergo DOUBLE-blind-review by the program committee. Authors need to prevent identity disclosure by: (1) not listing names and affiliations of the authors on the manuscript, (2) not saying “my work” or “our work” in the text while citing self-references, and (3) not writing acknowledgments in such a way that identity of authors are implied. Author information should only be included in the submission form. Manuscripts not following this requirement or exceeding 6-page length will be rejected without review. Authors need to submit a single pdf file of their manuscripts at : , ICIT2017 will follow strict no-show policy, i.e., accepted papers are to be registered and presented, otherwise the paper will be removed from the proceedings.
Important Deadlines
Paper Submission :Authors Notification : 21st August, 2017
Camera Ready and Registration : 25th September, 2017
ICIT 2017 Secretariat, Silicon Institute of Technology, Silicon Hills, Bhubaneswar, India-751024